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What Home Insurance Discounts Can I Get?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Does the insurance company you’re getting your insurance from offer discounts? It is important to be aware of all the promos and possible discount programs you can avail of when it comes to insurance policies you intend to buy. Knowledge of it does not only mean savings from your end, but it could also shed light into the coverage of the program you’re buying. Why is it sold for much less? What’s the catch?

What are the standard home insurance discounts offered by insurance companies? Here are some of them in a list:

•    Multiple policy discount

Before you shop around for insurance policies, look into the company where you got your auto insurance coverage from. Are they offering other forms of insurance policies you could avail of? If they are, look into the program to see if it is something that fits your lifestyle and needs. This does not mean you should readily buy insurance from the company that offers your car insurance. Shop around first before you make the final purchase.

•    Senior citizen discount

Are you retired or maybe a little over 55 years old? Don’t be embarrassed to ask about possible age-based discounts. It does help to save a few hundred dollars from insurance, especially for someone who has become dependent on their pension for survival. Ask the company you are inquiring from if they offer such discount.

•    Long-term customer discount

Persistence means a lot to home insurance providers. The loyalty of their clients is rewarded with long-term customer discount. If you have purchased a home insurance policy and you are by far happy with what you are getting, then you should consider a long-term contract with them. Take advantage of this discount and have a few extra hundred dollars for shopping.

•    No-claims discount

Did you know that you have not filed any claim with your home insurance company over a period, you are entitled to enjoy a no-claims discount? Although the purpose of having insurance means having extra help when everything seems to be financially depressing, filing no claims is likely to get you a huge markdown on the insurance premium you’re paying. A considerable discount may be given, and it is something that you should enjoy.

Buying home insurance, no doubt, is something that every homeowner should consider. Not only does it mean investing in the future, but making sure that you’re getting help in the future.

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