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Theft Prevention: How Do You Protect Your Home?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Every year, some people become victims of thieves. Burglars steal more than four billion dollars worth of property. People lose their valuables, and the situation makes it difficult for them to start a new. Those who have home insurance didn’t have to worry about the items they have lost. Their insurance will cover it, and in no time, the items will be replaced. The problem is when homeowners do not have a policy that will cover everything they have lost.

Is it possible to prevent theft? Although nobody knows when burglars will strike, there are a few things that homeowners can do to protect themselves. Here are some of them in a list:

Tip 1: Make sure to invest in a high-quality door.

The doors to your home are the burglars only chance to get into your house. When experts speak of home security, they mean to tell you that everything starts with the door of your choice and the frame that it fits into. A weak door can easily be broken down with a strong kick. Make sure to have a good quality door and be able to achieve two goals at the same time — keep the burglars out and keep your home safe.

Tip 2: Consider deadbolts.

Deadbolts may be considered the best security system for the least amount of monetary investment. This simple ordinary looking lock is the one that will save you and your home from burglary. Apart from that, deadbolts are also considered by insurance companies, and when they see that you have one installed in your home, your insurance premium can go down by as much as 30%.

Tip 3: Always keep your windows and glass doors locked at all times unless you are at home. If you are done suing these parts of your home, it is best to have them closed as soon as possible. Before you go to bed, check the windows and the doors of the house and make sure they are locked. You don’t want to give thieves the opportunity to take over your home, right?

Keeping your home away from the eyes of thieves may seem impossible. These people will always choose to steal when the opportunity is available. Keep them out of your home with these three tips. Or better yet, buy yourself home insurance. In that way, you can sleep at night knowing that you have put another blanket of security over your home.

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