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Home Value: How Do You Add To It?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Did you know that many homeowners think about buying a new house right after they get back from the long out of town summer trip? Their exposure to beautiful homes and extravagant hotel interiors got them thinking about their home. This is a fact born out of a statistical study that shows how September seems to be the busiest month of the year when it comes to real estate. It is the time of the year when a lot of homes and properties are put on sale.

Though the increasing moving costs seem to discourage a lot to get their house sold to move to another property, there are still those who seem to give in to the temptation. But is it worth in? Insurance advisors say that homeowners might be better off keeping their house and just work on improving it. Spending money to recreate your property to achieve the interior and exterior design that you want may mean more savings for you in the long run.

But how do you add value to your property without moving? Here are several tips you can try depending on the type of home you currently have:

· Loft

Have you ever thought of converting your loft to a much bigger space with an additional bedroom? Adding the extra room in the roof space will not only mean extra space, but it could mean a more cost-effective improvement on the space you currently have. Not only does the extra space add value to your home, but it improves it in more ways than one. A typical conversion may cost you’re a couple of thousand dollars, but it will up the value by as much as 20% or even 50% if you live in a busy district.

· Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of every home, and it is crucial to most home buyers that the kitchen has enough space for everything they wish to put in it. Whether you put your home for sale or you want to keep it, renovating the kitchen is one of the best projects you can take on. The cost of a kitchen renovation may start from a $1,000 or higher depending on the design, but it will be worth it regarding increasing space without the hassle of moving to a new home.

Your home is your haven, so you want to make sure that it gets the best protection. Remember to consider talking to your insurance provider about the renovation you are planning to review its coverage in your existing home insurance.

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