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Home Insurance You Shouldn’t Buy

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

If you’re in the market to buy home insurance, you want to make sure that you are buying the right one. Although you can purchase multiple insurance coverage for your home, it is still important that you buy the best programs with the best coverage. How do you make sure that you end up with the right one?

Insurance advisors often remind their clients that there is no one insurance program for home security that is a perfect fit for all. Sometimes the program that worked for a good friend may not be the program that will provide the best protection for you home. It is a must that you do your share of research and evaluation of your needs as well as the coverage that you want. From there, you can make a sound decision.

You must have been told time and again of the things you need from a home insurance policy, but you were never told of the things that should say their program is not the right fit. What type of home insurance should you not buy?

•    First, don’t buy insurance that covers less than the amount needed to rebuild or repair your home. It can be quite tempting to go for lower coverage because it means less monthly premium too, but it also means under insurance. The term under insurance itself defeats the purpose of having home insurance, to begin with. Remember that you are buying home insurance to get financial help in case your home becomes a victim of fire or theft. If your home in underinsured, then it means you won’t have enough to repair or rebuild your home. By the time you realize you made a mistake, there is nothing more that you can do.

•    Second, never go for insurance policies that do not state the actual coverage that the insurance company will provide. If you got convinced by what their insurance agent talked to you about, then make sure that all of it are in black and white. Unless it is printed, you can never be too sure that it will be provided.

•    Lastly, it is not wise to go for home insurance coverage from an insurance company you barely know. Remember that it is part of your task as a consumer to learn more about the insurance company you’re buying your coverage from. If they are not in the list of reputable insurance businesses in Canada, then they’re not the right fit. The money that you’re putting in the company might not be the wrong investment, so you shouldn’t take the risk.

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