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Home Business Insurance: Is It Necessary?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Do you run your own business from home? Do you sometimes take your products with you to a client’s house for viewing? Who wouldn’t do anything to make a sale, right? If your answer to either of these questions is a Yes, then perhaps you forgo the purchase of a business insurance, thinking that the home insurance that you have will already cover it. Those who are still renting also think their renter’s insurance covers their business as well.

However, running your own business at the comforts of your home does not automatically include that in the insurance coverage. Little do these business owners know that their home insurance requires them to file for it as an add-on and must pay for the additional coverage. Sadly, many of those who have become victims of theft or fire only find out that their business investment isn’t covered by their home insurance when they have already lost everything.

Whether you are renting out space or doing business at home, you are smart when you have insurance coverage. A number of your sales in this type of insurance does not matter. Rather, insurance companies look at possible losses. It includes the injury that may be caused by running the business that matters.

So how can you protect your home-based business from losing everything? You start by having it insured. Call your insurance provider right away. It will help if you buy a business insurance from the same company you both your car and home insurance. Not only does it mean less paperwork to deal with, but it also helps you save on costs. Most insurance companies give a special rate for clients who bought more than one insurance policy with them. It is their way of saying how much they appreciate that you trusted them.

Home-based businesses can opt for various types of insurance coverage depending on the nature of the business. The business owner’s policy is the program that’s most chosen for it is the most comprehensive. It provides coverage for both the business and the liabilities that it may come with. For other details about the policy, it is best to talk to your trusted insurance advisor. They can give you an idea as to how one policy is better than another depending on their assessment of your risks.

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