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Business Pitfalls: Which Ones Are Disastrous?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Do you think you have the most incredible of ideas that will change the name of the game? Perhaps your business idea is the one that will revolutionize the entire business industry. This is exactly what every business owner had in mind when they decided to quit their day job and work on making their idea become a reality. Some may have succeeded in their quest to reinvent themselves and change the world but there are also others who have tried and lost their chance.

What went wrong? It is their idea? In truth, the problem is not the idea. Whether it is the most brilliant of ideas or not, the problem is always the one who tries to make the idea work. The real issue is that most owners of business start-ups are overwhelmed by their confidence that their idea will work that they forget all the other things that need to be considered when starting their own business.

Pitfall 1: Following the Heart (Always)

Every business owner has the great tendency to follow their heart over their mind. To be a good entrepreneur, one must think about the security that they could provide for their customers, their employees and themselves. There is a thin line of difference between someone who is confident that he can make an idea work and someone who is just being cocky about it. The former can get you to places while the latter spells a lot of trouble coming your way.

Pitfall 2: Overselling a Great Idea.

Another aspect of entrepreneurship that one must understand is that they should never over promote or oversell as idea. Some overestimate the figures in their business plan whenever they talk to customers, investors and even loan advisors. Remember that the goal should be under-promise and over-deliver. Not only will this make an impression but it will always make the difference that you intend to make right from the start.

Pitfall 3: Under Insuring the Company

Starting your own business means taking the risk. Some might become successful at it while others might just end up in financial trouble. But because your goal is to succeed, it is important that you keep yourself protected from the risks by getting your business insured. Sadly, most business start-ups under insure themselves in hopes they could save money. And yet in the long run, they will realize that they lose more when they don’t buy the coverage that their business requires.

Just because a person things he has a great idea, it doesn’t automatically mean that the whole world believes that it is. It may be a good idea, but it is about how you work around to make it a reality that will judge whether it will change the world or not.

Business Pitfalls: Which Ones Are Disastrous?

Do you think you have the most incredible of ideas that will change the name of the game? Perhaps your business plan is the one that will revolutionize the entire business industry. This is exactly what every business owner had in mind when they decided to quit their day job and work on making their idea become a reality. Some may have succeeded in their quest to reinvent themselves and change the world, but there are also others who have tried and lost their chance.

What went wrong? Is it their idea? In truth, the problem is not the idea. Whether it is the most brilliant of ideas or not, the problem is always the one who tries to make the concept work. The real issue is that most owners of business start-ups are overwhelmed by their confidence that their idea will work that they forget all the other things that need to be considered when starting their own business.

Pitfall 1: Following the Heart (Always)

Every business owner has the high tendency to follow their heart over their mind. To be a good entrepreneur, one must think about the security that they could provide for their customers, their employees and themselves. There is a thin line of difference between someone who is confident that he can make an idea work and someone who is just being cocky about it. The former can get you to places while the latter spells a lot of trouble coming your way.

Pitfall 2: Overselling an Excellent Idea.

Another aspect of entrepreneurship that one must understand is that they should never over promote or oversell as an idea. Some overestimate the figures in their business plan whenever they talk to customers, investors and even loan advisors. Remember that the goal should be Under-promise and over-deliver. Not only will this make an impression but it will always make the difference that you intend to make right from the start.

Pitfall 3: Under-insuring the Company

Starting your own business means taking the risk. Some might become successful at it while others might just end up in financial trouble. But because your goal is to succeed, it is important that you keep yourself protected from the risks by getting your business insured. Sadly, most business start-ups under-insure themselves in hopes they could save money. And yet, in the long run, they will realize that they lose more when they don’t buy the coverage that their business requires.

Just because a person thinks he has an excellent idea, it doesn’t automatically mean that the whole world believes that it is. It may be a good idea, but it is how you work around to make it a reality that will judge whether it will change the world or not.

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